Tag: pte reading
PTE Frequently Asked Questions
Speaking ▌ Read Aloud 1. Vanilla The uniquely scented flavor of vanilla is second only to chocolate in popularity on the world’s palate. It’s also the second most expensive spice after […]
Strategies for Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers Reading
Read the question and understand what to look in paragraph Mostly it will be some specific details, true or false Read option and eliminate options from first read Don’t guess […]
Strategies for Fill in the blanks
Skim for overall meaning to help choose the right word Read before and after the spaces to identify the correct word Think about words that you often see or hear […]
Strategies Reading & Writing – fill in the blanks
Skim for overall meaning to help choose the right word Read before and after the spaces to identify the correct word Think about words that you often see or hear […]
Strategies for Re-Order Paragraph
• Find the topic sentence first. The topic sentence gives the subject of the text and is usually the first sentence • Read the sentences for key words before you […]
Reading: Fill in the blanks: March-2019
Cure isn’t a word normally used in the (A)____ of AIDS. For most of the 35 years since HIV, the virus responsible for the disease, was first identified, doctors (B)____ […]