Read a Loud:
New and manageable, Shakespeare, England, Global warming, CO2 emission
RS: 3-4 long ones but did well. Most of them were new.
Artist tied with conservative…
British students must….
Statistics and economics….
Chemistry building….
Retell lecture:
Mother and child…
Green revolution
Honey and athletics
Malaysia tourism,
Voting compulsion,
NOC (sea exploitation)
Essay: Global problem solution.
R/W FIB: few repeated.
English Literature.
FIB: I practiced around 600 FIBs and I had about 4 repeated. Egg-snake, political leaders, reading habits,
RO: One repeated (Rails), One new
Implicit explicit memory
MCMA – 4 or 5 questions, strange…
HIW: One of them was extremely difficult
LFIB: Choice, green (greenhouse), salted, spade
The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more demur compositional style.
I thought it was thrown in the small meeting room.
In the past, people ate vary different food.
I was looking to my closet for something to were but I couldn’t find ……….. occasion.